Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers In Murfreesboro, TN

Home What We Treat Dual Diagnosis

We understand the complex journey of battling addiction alongside mental health disorders. Our center stands out among dual diagnosis treatment centers in Murfreesboro, TN for its comprehensive compassionate approach to healing. We’re not just any dual diagnosis treatment facility. At Tulip Hill Recovery, it’s not just about treatment—it’s about transforming lives with empathy, expertise, and a commitment to lasting recovery.

What is a Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis refers to a condition where an individual simultaneously experiences a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder. This can be a complex and challenging situation because the two conditions often interact and influence each other, making diagnosis, treatment, and recovery more difficult.

For instance, someone might have a mood disorder and alcohol addiction. The co-occurring disorders often affect one another. Therefore, treating co-occurring disorders at the same time is vital to recovering from both issues.

In addition, underlying mental health disorders often lead to substance use, abuse, or addiction. In other words, they might use drugs or alcohol to “self-medicate” to relieve symptoms of a mental health disorder. Self-medicating is an unhealthy way of coping with a mental health disorder.

Key Points About Dual Diagnosis

  • Interconnected Issues: The symptoms of one disorder can often exacerbate or mask the symptoms of the other. For example, a person with depression may use alcohol or drugs to self-medicate, attempting to alleviate their depressive symptoms. Conversely, substance use can increase the severity or trigger the onset of mental health disorders.
  • Common Combinations: Some of the most frequently observed combinations in dual diagnosis include depression and alcohol addiction, anxiety and benzodiazepine dependence, bipolar disorder and cocaine addiction, and schizophrenia with cannabis or alcohol abuse. However, any substance use disorder can co-occur with any mental health disorder.
  • Diagnosis Challenges: Dual diagnosis is hard to diagnose because substance abuse can obscure psychiatric symptoms and vice versa. For instance, symptoms like anxiety, mood swings, and depression are common in substance abuse, making it tricky to ascertain whether these are due to substance use or a separate underlying mental health condition.
  • Treatment Complexity: Treatment for dual diagnosis is more complex than treating a single disorder. It requires an integrated approach that addresses both the mental health condition and the substance use disorder simultaneously. This approach might include a combination of behavioral therapies, medication management, counseling, and support groups, all tailored to the individual’s specific needs.
  • Importance of Comprehensive Care: Effective treatment for dual diagnosis involves comprehensive care that considers both disorders as interlinked. Ignoring one aspect can undermine the treatment of the other, potentially leading to relapse or worsening mental health.

A specialized dual diagnosis rehab helps individuals find healthy ways to cope with mental health disorders. Dual diagnosis treatment centers in Murfreesboro, like Tulip Hill Recovery, can help clients manage mental health disorder symptoms. As a result, they can stop using drugs or alcohol as self-medication to manage symptoms.

Why is Dual Diagnosis so Common?

According to the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health by SAMHSA, around 21.5 million adults in the United States are affected by a co-occurring disorder. Dual diagnosis is common because mental health issues and substance use disorders frequently influence and exacerbate each other.

Individuals often use alcohol or drugs as a form of self-medication to alleviate the symptoms of mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. Conversely, the abuse of substances can trigger or worsen mental health problems due to their impact on brain chemistry, leading to a cyclical relationship where one condition perpetuates the other.

Risk Factors of Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Both types of disorders share some common risk factors, including genetic vulnerabilities, exposure to stress or trauma, and developmental disruptions. This overlap of causes and effects makes dual diagnosis a prevalent concern in the field of mental health and addiction.

Certain risk factors can make a dual diagnosis more likely, such as:

  • Parents or caregivers who abused substances to cope with stress
  • Family member with substance use or mental health disorder (or both)
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
  • Relaxed attitudes about substance abuse in the home or community
  • Drug or alcohol use during childhood or adolescence
  • Growing up in a stressful environment
  • History of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse
  • Lack of coping skills for everyday stress

Ultimately, if someone is addicted, they are likely dealing with mental health problems along with substance abuse. Sometimes, addiction starts as a way of “taking the edge off” of distressing thoughts or feelings. On the other hand, a mental health disorder can start after using recreational drugs that change how the brain functions. 

Nonetheless, dual diagnosis treatment is often needed to treat addiction. For instance, they might have masked symptoms for so long with substance abuse, that they don’t realize the root causes of their addiction. Dual-diagnosis treatment centers in Murfreesboro offer compassionate and effective psychotherapy for this reason.

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What are the Most Common Dual Diagnoses?

Not all people with mental health issues will have a dual diagnosis or co-occurring substance use disorder. However, some disorders co-occur more often than others. Understanding the most common dual diagnoses helps understand the level of risk.


Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States. Symptoms of anxiety can range from mild to severe. In addition, some triggers cause certain types of anxiety disorders. For instance, some people only have symptoms in social settings also known as a social anxiety disorder. Still, others deal with chronic symptoms called generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Symptoms of anxiety disorders include:

  • Excessive and uncontrollable worrying
  • An overwhelming sense of danger, dread, or panic
  • Rapid breathing
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • Profuse sweating
  • Feeling tired or weak
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Stomach and gastrointestinal problems
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Avoiding anxiety triggers

Anxiety often causes individuals to avoid the triggers of their symptoms. In other words, they might go out of their way to avoid symptoms. Yet, they miss out on living their lives to the fullest. Many people with anxiety disorders seek relief to help them face their triggers. For this reason, they might turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with symptoms.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in Murfreesboro


Depression is a common mood disorder. Some people have symptoms triggered by life events, like death in the family or losing a job. Others have seasonal depression due to low levels of sunlight each winter. Still, other people deal with chronic depressive symptoms every day.

Feelings of depression can be expected following a tragic life event or loss. In fact, these feelings are often part of the grieving process. Yet, some people don’t seem to “bounce back” without professional help.

The most common symptoms of depression are:

  • Fatigue
  • Persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness
  • Low mood
  • Trouble thinking 
  • Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
  • Sleeping problems
  • Irritability or outbursts of anger
  • Thoughts of death and despair
  • Suicidal ideations

Drugs and alcohol make things worse for those with depression. For example, stimulants like cocaine might temporarily enhance someone’s mood. However, these drugs deplete the brain’s feel-good chemicals. Therefore, they have a “crash” afterward that is often much worse than their depression.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is another common co-occurring disorder. Traumatic events can create a chronic feeling of fear and uncertainty. For instance, after a car accident, someone might struggle to ride in or drive a car again. 

PTSD can follow a single event, such as combat in the military or assault. In addition, PTSD can result from years of stressful events. For example, growing up in an abusive household or living in a dangerous community can cause PTSD.

Symptoms of PTSD include:

  • Intrusive thoughts and memories
  • Avoiding trauma triggers
  • Flashbacks and nightmares
  • Negative thoughts
  • Feeling that the world is unsafe
  • Emotional numbness
  • Easily startled
  • Hypervigilance
  • Self-destructive
  • Trouble sleeping and concentrating

Symptoms of trauma can also lead to other common mental health disorders, like anxiety or depression. Therefore, many dual diagnosis treatment centers in Murfreesboro, TN adopt practices called trauma-informed care. At Tulip Hill Recovery, we carefully help clients unpack the underlying causes of their substance use and mental health concerns, which might be rooted in trauma.

In addition, treatment centers for dual diagnosis help clients with other co-occurring mental health disorders, such as bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and borderline personality disorder (BPD). While these disorders might not be as common, they often lead to substance abuse as a result.

Signs You May Need to Partner With a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center

The signs and symptoms of a dual diagnosis are similar to either a mental health or substance use disorder alone. After all, both of these disorders are often related and impact a person’s life in some of the same ways. However, if you or a loved one are experiencing interlinked symptoms of substance abuse and mental health issues it may be time to consider partnering with a dual diagnosis treatment center.

Signs and symptoms of a dual diagnosis include the following:

  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Loss of interest in pleasurable activities and hobbies
  • Appetite and weight changes
  • Sleep issues
  • Risky behaviors, like unsafe sex or reckless driving
  • Overwhelming feelings of guilt, doubt, and worry
  • Trouble thinking clearly
  • Hallucinations or delusions
  • Prolonged sadness or hopelessness
  • Mood swings and behavioral changes
  • Problems at work, school, or in relationships
  • Self-medicating with drugs or alcohol

When someone notices sudden or drastic changes in a person, there is always a cause for concern. Often, when there is a change for the worse, something is occurring below the surface that must be addressed. Dual diagnosis treatment in Tennessee can help individuals identify and address co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Some people are also more likely to have a dual diagnosis due to certain risk factors.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in Murfreesboro

Tulip Hill Recovery Dual Diagnosis Treatment Facility

At Tulip Hill Recovery, we know that underlying mental health conditions often cause substance use disorders. Thus, we offer dual diagnosis treatment throughout all levels of care. 

Our treatment centers for dual diagnosis include the following levels of care:

  • Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP): PHP is sometimes referred to as “day treatment” and includes therapy as an essential component. During PHP, you receive treatment for several hours per day for five days each week. Our PHP lasts 30 days and includes group and individual therapy, psychoeducation, holistic treatment, and coping skills for mental illness.
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP): An IOP is similar to a PHP. However, an IOP allows more flexibility in the schedule. Usually, clients attend sessions in the evenings for a few days each week. Therefore, they continue to fulfill family, work, or school obligations while receiving treatment.
  • Standard Outpatient Services: Tailored for those who have made substantial progress and need ongoing support, this level focuses on maintaining recovery achievements and preventing relapse.
  • Post-Recovery Aftercare: Following dual diagnosis rehab, clients need support to transition back to everyday life. Thus, we will ensure that they remain connected to the recovery community. Our post-recovery program meets their needs after treatment. For instance, they might want to continue with weekly mental health counseling.

Addressing Dual Diagnosis Challenges at Tulip Hill Recovery

At Tulip Hill Recovery, addressing the complex challenges of dual diagnosis is a cornerstone of our approach to addiction and mental health treatment. Recognizing that individuals with co-occurring disorders face unique obstacles, our programs are specifically designed to tackle both mental health issues and substance abuse simultaneously, ensuring a comprehensive and integrated treatment plan.

We utilize a multidisciplinary team of experts, including psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, addiction counselors, and support staff, all specializing in the complexities of dual diagnosis. This team works collaboratively to develop and implement treatment plans that are tailored to the specific needs of each client. By assessing both the psychological and physical aspects of addiction and mental health, we are able to address the root causes of each individual’s condition, rather than just treating the symptoms.

Our dual diagnosis treatment in Tennessee often involves a combination of evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and motivational interviewing, alongside medication management when appropriate. This blend of therapies helps to improve emotional regulation, enhance self-awareness, and develop coping strategies that are vital for individuals dealing with dual diagnosis.

Moreover, we place a significant emphasis on the creation of a supportive and nurturing environment where clients feel safe to explore their emotions. Regular group therapy sessions and peer support groups are integral to our treatment model. Thus, providing individuals with the opportunity to share their experiences and learn from others facing similar challenges.

Ultimately, our goal is not only to treat the immediate symptoms but also to empower our clients to lead healthier, fulfilling lives long after they leave our care. Through ongoing support and aftercare planning, we ensure that our clients have the tools they need to maintain their recovery and manage their mental health effectively, facing the future with confidence and resilience.

A woman enjoys individual treatment at our dual diagnosis treatment centers in Murfreesboro, TN.

Discover Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in Murfreesboro, TN

At Tulip Hill Recovery, we’re committed to guiding individuals through their journey to sobriety and mental wellness. Our approach goes beyond the surface to address the root causes of addiction and mental health disorders, ensuring a more sustainable recovery. With our comprehensive and personalized treatment plans, we’re ready to support you or your loved one every step of the way.

Let’s walk this journey together and discover a path to a healthier, happier life. Take the first step toward healing at our safe and comfortable facility. Your journey to lasting wellness starts here, at Tulip Hill Recovery.

Contact us today to learn more about our dual diagnosis treatment centers in Murfreesboro, TN.

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