Addiction Treatment Aftercare in Murfreesboro

Home Services Addiction Treatment Aftercare

Deciding to get help for addiction is a big step. However, life after treatment comes with its own set of hurdles. Getting addiction treatment aftercare makes a huge difference. In fact, it may mean the difference between staying sober and relapsing. With this in mind, we provide an effective aftercare program.

What Is Addiction Treatment Aftercare?

Addiction treatment aftercare in Murfreesboro provides a safety barrier. It acts as the step between formal treatment and going it alone. We provide partial hospitalization treatment (PHP) and intensive outpatient treatment (IOP). While a person receives their care, we also begin planning their aftercare. It usually includes activities and resources to use. Your aftercare plan sets you up for success once you return home.

We consider your addiction and the progress you’ve made. In addition, we discuss things like your home environment. We help set your personal recovery goals. We also help you compile a list of loved ones to turn to when you struggle. Next, a list of support groups in your area will be provided. While you may not still be coming to our facility, you will have resources. Addiction treatment aftercare provides you with the tools you need to stay strong. Basically, strong aftercare helps you avoid relapse.

The Importance of Addiction Treatment Aftercare

Many people believe addiction treatment ends when they leave a facility. Actually, work remains to be done. Going home takes a person out of the “bubble” of their initial care. It’s great to go home, although this can also provide temptations. A person may want to give up or relapse. In addition, they may return to toxic relationships. Aftercare makes sure a person continues to work on themselves. 

Relapse often happens in the first few months of recovery. However, this risk can be lowered by using an aftercare plan. Many experts recommend staying in aftercare for at least one year. Actually, many people who have been in recovery for years continue to use it. It can make the difference between sobriety and relapsing. 

The aftercare plan can be changed as progress is made. It can be adapted to a person’s changing needs. For example, a person may reduce the number of support groups they attend. They may consult with their therapists about which goals have been met.

Addiction Treatment Aftercare

Benefits of Addiction Aftercare

Many benefits of addiction treatment aftercare in Murfreesboro exist. The longer a person remains in some type of treatment, the longer their sobriety lasts. Benefits of using aftercare include:

  • Help to keep using healthy coping mechanisms
  • Identifying triggers and ways to avoid them
  • Suggestions for support groups to attend
  • A place to check-in and report on progress
  • A source for stressful situations
  • Somewhere to turn when feeling alone or unsupported
  • Validation for doing well
  • Accountability for any slip-ups
  • Opportunities for healthy communication
  • Input on when aftercare should end

How Tulip Hill Provides Addiction Aftercare Near Murfreesboro

Part of our treatment includes aftercare. You will also be welcome to take advantage of additional therapy sessions. You may find yourself worrying about life after treatment. If you do, call us. We provide any needed phone support and help you feel supported. 

Talking to somebody who understands your concerns can be beneficial. This includes doing it after leaving treatment. We not only can provide someone to listen to you, we can give other resources. You’ll get references for meetings with groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). We can recommend Al-Anon meetings for your loved ones.

How Family and Friends Can Support a Loved One After They’ve Left Treatment

Family and friends want to help their loved ones be successful in treatment. They provide a vital part of the recovery process. This includes initial treatment. It can also extend to aftercare. Ways to aid in a person’s addiction treatment aftercare include:

Make Yourself Available

People new to sobriety benefit from having someone to lean on. Loved ones should let them know they are a phone call or text away. They can provide a sympathetic ear or a shoulder to cry on. They can also offer advice or plans for how to avoid triggering situations. 

Do Not Be a Source for Temptation

When someone lives with a person who has completed addiction treatment, they should not provide temptation. Start by removing alcohol and drugs from the home. Do the same if they come over to visit. Trips out should be to safe places. Avoid bars or nightclubs. Do not order alcoholic drinks at restaurants or elsewhere. If everyone remains sober when spending time together, it’s easier for the person in recovery.  

Take Advantage of Therapy

Family therapy can open up new paths for healthy ways to communicate. As a result, families come back together. Groups like Al-Anon provide families with the support they need. Peers can share ideas for dealing with a loved one in recovery. As well, individual therapy can be helpful for any loved ones. If they take care of themselves, they are better able to help the people they love. 

Addiction Treatment Aftercare

Recognize the Signs of Relapse

The early days of recovery are often dangerous. Newly sober loved ones aren’t yet used to avoiding temptation. With this in mind, ask them what triggers them. Decide on ways for them to address the triggers. If you see the person stop attending therapy or group meetings, say something. This is a warning sign. The person may then start isolating or expressing a desire to drink or use drugs again. If so, pay attention. Help them avoid relapse before it takes hold. 

Addiction Treatment and Aftercare in Murfreesboro

We offer addiction and mental health treatment that changes lives. Additionally, we provide addiction treatment aftercare in Murfreesboro for alcohol, opioids like heroin, or prescription medications such as Xanax. We want to help you stay sober for the rest of your life. Contact Tulip Hill Recovery today and find out how to get started.

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