Addiction Treatment Therapies in Murfreesboro, TN

Home Services Addiction Treatment Therapies

Many believe that rehab is a one-stop process for getting sober. Actually, when someone needs help for addiction to drugs or alcohol, many options exist. Our addiction treatment therapies in Murfreesboro, Tenessee and Hopkinsville, Kentucky give you many choices. Well-rounded addiction treatment helps people get better and avoid relapse.

What Are Addiction Therapies?

Addiction therapies are used to help those with substance use disorders. Each one has its place in teaching someone to overcome their addiction. Many types of addiction treatment therapies can be used. Below are the types offered by Tulip Hill Recovery to help our patients embrace sobriety.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Experts refer to CBT as the gold standard for psychotherapy. CBT maintains a high success rate for helping treat a range of mental health difficulties. CBT’s core premise relates to thought processes, behaviors, and emotions. Because they are interlinked, people can alter their cycles. This therapy targets specific problems. Success rates relate to both mental health and addiction-related issues.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Another choice in addiction treatment therapies involves using DBT. This form of talk therapy helps people struggling with moodiness and emotions. DBT uses some CBT tools with a focus on mindfulness. You learn to use healthy coping skills. You also learn the art of self-soothing and regulating your emotions.

Narrative Therapy

Narrative therapy provides a powerful choice in addiction treatment therapies in Murfreesboro. It gives you the ability to put your life in focus. It helps with:

  • Identifying your problems
  • Appreciating other perspectives on your story
  • Altering narratives that are holding you back
  • Framing problems within the broader context of society
  • Learning how to have space for other stories

Group Therapy  

Another hallmark of addiction treatment therapies is group therapy. This process brings several people together to work with a therapist. These sessions offer a safe space for everyone to speak honestly. Also, they can seek advice and offer support to those who need it. Group therapy teaches people to be open and engage with others. It also teaches the value of having sober support from peers. Everyone learns to communicate their needs and experiences. This skill can be helpful in personal relationships.

Complementary Therapy

While traditional therapies definitely have their place in treatment, so do others. Complementary therapy can be classified as “non-mainstream.” This does not make it any less effective. Combining the two types of therapy can bring impressive results.

Complementary therapy falls into two categories. The first is mind-body practices. They include both physical and mental acts. These include yoga, meditation, massage therapy, and acupuncture. The other category uses natural products. These can include herbs, vitamins, probiotics, and botanicals.

Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapies allow people to engage in activities that provide benefits. Experiences include therapy involving art, drama, and adventure. It helps people become strong and more self-aware. They also learn to deal with difficult emotions. It can also allow them to appreciate team-building skills. They learn to work with several people in pursuit of a common goal. Many people report feeling more engaged in their addiction treatment when using experiential therapy.

Family Therapy

Addiction does major harm to families. Relationships can be damaged or lost. Family therapy shines a light on the path to coming back together. Families speak openly and learn from each other. They also learn to set helpful boundaries. As well, they learn to communicate openly. This lets family members close the door on past disagreements. They can also move forward as a unit to help their loved ones stay sober.

Benefits of Addiction Treatment Therapy

A generation ago, treatment for substance use disorder consisted of very little. People went to rehab and didn’t receive many options to help them become sober. However, modern programs learned to adapt. They now include many addiction treatment therapies. Benefits of this approach include:

Flexibility. Everyone is unique. We tailor your treatment to allow for what suits your specific needs.
Learn new activities. Throughout your treatment, you will discover a range of new skills. They help assist you in navigating difficult situations. They also provide you with new hobbies that help you express yourself. People new to sobriety also need healthy activities to fill their schedules.
Tactics for avoiding temptation. Early in recovery, the temptation to use drugs or alcohol can surface at any time. Addiction treatment therapies give you an arsenal of ways to say no. Using your healthy coping skills helps you avoid the temptation to relapse.
Building trust. Taking part in multiple types of therapy allows you to develop trust. Trust in therapists and fellow participants help close the door on past habits of isolating and not trusting others.

How Addiction Treatment Therapy Works in Murfreesboro

Tulip Hill Recovery provides several options that allow people to access our treatment therapies. We offer a partial hospitalization program (PHP) and an intensive outpatient program (IOP). Both plans feature several types of addiction treatment therapies. Some people choose to live at home while attending outpatient care. For others, sober living homes provide added help. We partner with gender-specific recovery residences to give you choices. Staying in a sober living home keeps you surrounded by a sober peer group. We even provide transportation between the homes and treatment sessions.

Because so many people with addiction also have a mental illness, we address this. Our dual diagnosis treatment makes sure your physical and mental health improves. We also offer valuable life skills that equip people to lead independent lives. Once treatment is completed, aftercare comes into play. This plan helps everyone return to their daily lives equipped with skills to stay sober.

Recovery from addiction doesn’t end with outpatient treatment. We also offer a helpful aftercare program for our graduates. We help people become responsible adults comfortable living on their own. This helps people stay strong in their recovery way into the future.

Addiction Treatment Therapies in Murfreesboro

Addiction doesn’t happen for just one reason. As well, more than one type of treatment exists. Whether you need help with fentanyl, cocaine, alcohol, meth or prescription drugs like Xanax, Tulip Hill Recovery in Murfreesboro provides several addiction treatment therapies to help you overcome drugs and alcohol. Our outpatient programs cover your needs and help you get sober. Contact us now and let us show you the way out of addiction.

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