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The Dangers Of Mixing Kratom And Alcohol

Home Blog The Dangers Of Mixing Kratom And Alcohol

Kratom and alcohol are both federally legal substances in the U.S. However, six states have banned kratom. Taking either substance by itself can be dangerous. Whereas, combining alcohol and Kratom can be even more harmful or even fatal. They are both depressants.

Unfortunately, the risk of overdose increases when combining these 2 substances. They are both depressants. This combination can lead to respiratory distress, cardiac arrest, coma, or death.

Yet, as people understand that kratom is a legal ‘natural’ drug, they believe this could never happen. However, this is not true. Kratom changes how the body and mind function, making it potentially dangerous.

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What is Kratom?

Kratom is an herbal extract that comes from the Mitragyna speciosa. Used for thousands of years, this tropical plant is native to Southeast Asia. Kratom grows in Thailand and Malaysia. Indigenous people chewed the leaves or made tea to boost their energy levels, increase productivity, and relieve aches and pains in the body.

Kratom is among the most widely abused substances in Thailand and is still extensively available in other parts of Southeast Asia. Kratom powder, which comes in various strengths and colors, has different effects and is the most common type of kratom.

Also, kratom extract can be used to make a liquid form. People commonly take it in capsules, tablets, gum, raw leaves, and powder. They use liquid kratom for muscle pain.

Within the United States, kratom is not controlled or illegal in most states. But, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) considers it a “drug of concern”. It is marketed and sold as a supplement to boost energy, mood enhancer, pain reliever, and to lessen opiate withdrawal.

Kratom plant, Mitragyna speciosa.

The Effects of Kratom

Kratom acts on the opioid receptors of the brain. In low doses, kratom has a stimulant effect by increasing energy, alertness, mood enhancement, and sociability.

In higher doses, kratom is similar to opioids and has depressant effects such as pain relief and euphoria. At very high doses, it is sedating and can make users feel sleepy and lethargic.

Other common effects of kratom include the following:

  • Relaxation
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Reduced pain
  • Feelings of wellness
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Increased energy
  • Weight loss

When used, kratom starts affecting the body and mind within 15 minutes. Then, the effects can last for two to five hours after ingestion. However, this may differ depending on the dosage taken.

Kratom Withdrawal Symptoms

Like many other substances of abuse, if a person takes kratom consistently for some time, they can become dependent on it. This is because drug use causes the brain to change how it functions. Once this change happens, withdrawal often arises.

Although kratom withdrawal symptoms differ with each person, they may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Pain in the body

The Effects of Alcohol

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that has psychotropic effects. As such, alcohol is one of the most common drugs used globally. About 86% of people in the United States drink alcohol at some point in their lives the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism notes.

The desired effects of alcohol include:

  • Relaxation
  • Pain relief
  • Decreased inhibition
  • Reduction in anxiety
  • Feelings of connectedness

People who drink alcohol excessively over a length of time risk developing alcohol addiction or alcohol use disorder. Similar to kratom addiction, alcohol addiction occurs when the brain and body adapt to the substance and cannot function correctly without it.

Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are similar to kratom withdrawal. However, they can also include delirium tremens (DTs) when alcohol consumption has ceased. DTs are a particularly unpleasant series of adverse effects from withdrawal. People experiencing DTs may hallucinate and have seizures, which can be fatal.

Dangers of Mixing Kratom and Alcohol

Mixing alcohol with kratom is a risky behavior that poses significant health risks. While each substance can have adverse effects on its own, combining them amplifies the dangers and can lead to severe physical health complications. Continue reading to learn more about the risks associated with mixing these substances, highlighting the physical health risks involved.

Increased Risk of Overdose

One of the most critical dangers of combining alcohol and Kratom is the significantly increased risk of overdose. Kratom, a plant-based substance with opioid-like effects, depresses the central nervous system when taken in large doses. Alcohol, a depressant, amplifies these effects, which can lead to dangerous levels of respiratory depression, unconsciousness, and even death. The synergistic effect of both substances can make it difficult for users to gauge their level of intoxication, often leading to accidental overdoses.

Exacerbation of Mental Health Issues

Both alcohol and kratom have been known to affect mental health, with the potential to exacerbate existing conditions such as anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. When combined, these substances can lead to increased feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation. Additionally, the chemical interaction between the 2 substances alters brain chemistry. Consequently, worsening mental health symptoms and making treatment and recovery more challenging.

Liver Damage

The liver metabolizes both kratom and alcohol and consuming them together puts excessive stress on this vital organ. Over time, this can lead to liver damage or worsen existing liver conditions. Symptoms of liver damage include jaundice, severe abdominal pain, and unusually dark urine or light stools. Chronic use of both in combination can lead to long-term liver issues, including cirrhosis or liver failure.

Impaired Coordination and Judgment

Mixing kratom with alcohol can severely impair coordination, judgment, and reaction times. This impairment increases the risk of accidents and injuries, as individuals are less able to make safe decisions or physically respond to dangers effectively. Driving under the influence of these substances is particularly dangerous and can lead to fatal accidents.

Potential for Addiction

The combination also increases the potential for addiction. The pleasurable effects of mixing these substances can lead to repeated use, developing into a dependency over time. Consequently, once addiction sets in, individuals may find it challenging to stop using these substances despite the negative impact on their health and well-being.

The dangers of mixing alcohol with kratom are significant, with risks ranging from acute overdose to long-term health complications. Individuals should be aware of these dangers and avoid combining these substances to protect their physical and mental health. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use, seeking professional help is critical to addressing these issues safely and effectively.

Is it Safe to Detox at Home?

Before attempting any form of detox, especially from mixing kratom with alcohol, consulting with healthcare professionals is crucial. Medical experts can assess individual risk factors, provide resources and support, and may recommend a medically supervised detox program. These programs offer a safe environment where withdrawal symptoms can be managed effectively, reducing the risk of complications.

Medical professionals can also address the underlying issues associated with kratom addiction and alcoholism, offering a more holistic approach to recovery. This can include therapy, support groups, and strategies for managing cravings and avoiding relapse. The goal is to ensure that individuals not only detox safely but also have a solid foundation for long-term recovery.

Detoxing from kratom or alcohol at home poses significant risks, even for those who have used these substances for a short period or at lower doses. The potential for severe withdrawal symptoms, unpredictable interactions, and the high risk of relapse make it imperative to seek the advice and support of healthcare professionals before embarking on detox. Accordingly, by prioritizing safety and enlisting the help of experts, individuals can navigate the complexities of drug withdrawal more effectively and set the stage for a successful recovery.

Medical Detox for Kratom and Alcohol Withdrawal

Medically supervised detox is a critical first step for individuals seeking recovery from substance use disorders, including those involving mixing alcohol and kratom. This process is designed to safely manage the acute physical symptoms of withdrawal from substances and to initiate the journey toward sobriety in a controlled, supportive environment.

The benefits and importance of undergoing medical detox cannot be overstated, as it addresses the complex challenges associated with alcohol and/or kratom addiction.

Key Benefits of Medically Supervised Detox

Safe Management of Withdrawal Symptoms

One of the primary benefits of medically supervised detox is the safe management of withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal from kratom and alcohol can be physically uncomfortable and, in some cases, pose severe health risks. Medical professionals can monitor vital signs, manage symptoms, and intervene in the event of complications, ensuring the individual’s safety throughout the process.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

During medical detox, certain medications may be administered to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and cravings, making the process more manageable. For example, medications such as benzodiazepines can be used to reduce anxiety and prevent seizures associated with alcohol withdrawal.

In the case of kratom withdrawal, comfort medications may be provided to ease symptoms like nausea, muscle aches, and insomnia. So, while there are no specific medications approved for kratom withdrawal, the treatment team can employ various pharmacological strategies to address symptoms and support the individual’s recovery.

Foundation for Long-Term Recovery

Medical detox provides a solid foundation for long-term recovery. By starting the recovery process in a medically supervised setting, individuals are better prepared to engage in further treatment services, such as counseling, behavioral therapies, and support groups. Detox is just the first step in addressing the underlying causes of substance use disorders, including factors that influence the development of issues such as kratom addiction and alcoholism.

Emotional and Psychological Support

Beyond the physical aspects of withdrawal, medical detox offers emotional and psychological support. Moreover, detox can be a challenging emotional experience, and having access to mental health professionals can help individuals begin to address the psychological aspects of addiction. This support is crucial for building resilience and motivation for the next stages of recovery.

Examples of Medications Used in Medical Detox

  • Benzodiazepines: Often used to manage anxiety and prevent seizures during alcohol withdrawal.
  • Clonidine: May be used to reduce anxiety, agitation, and muscle aches associated with kratom withdrawal.
  • Antidepressants: Can be prescribed to stabilize mood swings and address underlying mental health issues.

Undergoing medical detox is a critical step towards recovery. The process offers a safe, supportive environment for managing withdrawal symptoms, reduces the risk of relapse in the early stages of sobriety, and lays the groundwork for addressing the deeper psychological aspects of addiction.

Ultimately, for individuals struggling with the complexities of kratom and alcoholism, medical detox provides the necessary support and resources to embark on the path to recovery.

Get Help for Kratom and Alcohol Addiction in Murfreesboro, TN

Using alcohol with kratom can be unpredictable and dangerous. Therefore, people should never mix substances like alcohol and kratom. This combination increases the risks of something going wrong. For that reason, if someone becomes addicted to both substances, the combined opioid and alcohol withdrawal can prove fatal.

If you are mixing kratom and alcohol and struggling with addiction, please reach out to Tulip Hill Recovery in Murfreesboro, Tennessee today.

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